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Writer's pictureKent Long

How to Make a Campfire: The Best Way

There's nothing quite like gathering around a campfire, especially on a cool autumn night. If you're looking for the best way to make a campfire, look no further! In this blog post, we will outline the steps you need to take to create a roaring fire that will keep you warm all night long!

Building a campfire is an easy process, but there are a few things you need to keep in mind in order to do it effectively. First, you'll need to find a spot for your fire that is away from any trees or other flammable objects. Once you've found the perfect spot, clear away any dead leaves or branches that might be in the way. Then, gather a good amount of wood - you'll need both large logs and small kindling to get the fire going.

Gather Fuel

Now that the foundation is in place, it's time to start gathering fuel for the fire. In bushcraft, we utilize three types of wood for starting fires, each with a unique purpose. The following are the three sorts of wood we use for starting fires.


The best and most effective way to get your fire burning is using a fire starter like one of these ___________ or we make our own. Our fire starters are super easy to put together before a camping season and you get 6 to 12 out of each on. Simply get an egg carton, saw dust, dryer lint and wax from a candle. Place the saw dust and dryer lint in the paper egg carton then drizzle wax with an old candle. You may think why can't I just use newspaper like everyone else. Because of those wet damp days or mornings and this is just the trick to have a longer hotter flame to ignite your wood.


The part most people miss here is some kindling from sticks or cut down smaller pieces of wood. I prefer to use dry sticks to get this started, but I also like to have 2 axes for cutting pieces of wood 2 inches thick for some great kindling that catches quickly.


The major fuel for your fire is wood. It aids in the ignition of the wood by assisting it to take up the flame. We recommend utilizing smaller logs than big ones. Smaller wood and branch pieces are simpler to handle in a fire. I normally have a log split into about 8 wedges for the best results. Larger logs can be tough to split so here are the two items I always have in my truck or camper when camping. A Maul and wedge are a necessity to make a good hot fire.

Log-Cabin Fire Lay

To build a log-cabin frame out of your fuelwood, follow these steps:

Start by placing two logs parallel to each other on the ground. Make sure they're a good distance apart - you'll need enough space to fit smaller logs in between them.

Next, take two smaller logs and place them perpendicular to the first two logs, forming a square. Then, continue adding logs to the frame in this same manner, making sure to alternate between large and small logs.

Once you've reached the desired height, it's time to start adding kindling to the center of the frame. Be sure to leave some space in between each piece of kindling so that the fire can breathe.

Now, all that's left to do is light your fire starter and you've got the best way to make a campfire.

Tending the Fire

Once your campfire is lit, there are a few things you need to do in order to keep it going strong. First, you'll want to make sure that the logs are arranged in a way that allows oxygen to flow freely - this will help the fire burn evenly. Additionally, you should check the logs periodically to see if you need to add some logs. The Best way to tend to a fire is having a pair of Campfire gloves to be able to freely move your logs exactly where you want them. These Long Day Camping Fire gloves are specifically designed for tending a campfire.

Extinguish the Campfire

In general, though, you should douse the flames with water (try not to stand in the steam), stir the ashes, then add more water. Repeat as needed. Before you leave the location, make sure that the fire is completely out.

It's critical not to leave a campfire unattended!

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